Friday, May 18, 2012

Birth of a new script

Well, the Nicholl Fellowship Competition has again served as midwife to a new script.  Maybe this time they will acknowledge their child.  "What's Past Is Prologue" is now out in the contest circuit, the sequel to my script "Neptune's Empire" born about this time last year.

If a script was written, but never made into a movie, did it really exist?  A skewed paraphrase of "If a tree falls in a forest, but no one heard ...".  Of course it exists, but it would be nice to share its existence with more than my family, a few friends, and some totally burned out contest readers.

Perhaps I need to do what my daughter has suggested.  "Mom, write novels again, ok!?"

But screenplays are so ... magical.  At least to me.  And novels .... the "he said"  and "she said" not sure I can go back to that again :>).  Time will tell.  However, in this present moment, I'm already pregnant with another script.  Two in one year!  Time for more pickles and ice cream!